Are timber chopping boards hygienic - Yes. Timber chopping boards are among the most hygienic options available. Timber chopping boards have natural antibacterial properties.
Are timber chopping boards forgiving on knives - Yes. Timber chopping boards are very forgiving on knives, with end-grain boards being the ultimate which have the wood fibres oriented in a vertical direction, so a sharp knife blade can fit between the fibres, thus prolonging the blade edge.
Will my end-grain chopping board warp - It depends. All boards leave the workshop flat and true, but timber being a natural resource will move through the seasons. For best practice over time, all chopping boards without raised feet ought to be stored upright to allow air to circulate on both surfaces.
How often should a timber chopping board be conditioned. - At least once a month, more if used frequently. If the board ever looks a little dry or lighter in colour, apply a quality food safe wax or oil.